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2025 Dive Package Trip Ternate and Morotai (4-6 pax)

Start from IDR. 1.850.000 per person in one day 3 dive log Include : boat dive, local lunch, refreshment, air tank & weight, fee dive guide, photo/video with gopro8. Exclude : own equipment, personal expense, tipp. Dive in Ternate was offer the schooling a lot of fish at Jikomalamo point, also the great wall of Tomajiko point also many critters such as pygmy seahorse/pantohi , nudibranch, and walking shark (the endemic species of shark here). the highlight Dive in Morotai are the wreck of world war2   at Wawama point, dive with shark (blacktip reef shark) also cave dive near from Dodola island

Diving Morotai - Lebaran Day Trip (7D6N)

diving type : land base | 4 :1
dive center : Morotai Shark Diving Indonesia
time : June 25 to 30, 2017
dive site : wreck, shark, ray, cave, uw volcanoe
Accomodation : D'aloha Resort

the itinerary :
Day 01 - Arrrival
12.45 pm arrival in Morotai, check in hotel and rest.
16.30 pm check dive in Tugu trikora

Day 02 - Wreck and Shark
09.00 am after breakfast in hotel - we go diving by boat
10.00 am first diving at airplane wreck, known by worlwartwo memorial in Morotai. the wreck are up side down at 30-45 depth meter.
12.00 pm second dive at blacktip shark point, Mitita island.
13.00 pm lunch at Kokoya island and rest
15.00 pm last dive at Kokoya island

Day 03 - Cave and Dodola
from jetty to the cave are about 1 hours by boat, we start in 09.00 am
10.00 am fist diving in Cave point, this cave are shaped like a letter C about 16 meter and at 25 to 30 depth meter. after that we move to west side of Dodola island. and secon diving in D'aloha point (reef on right side). lunch at Dodola kecil island, and last dive are in same place D'aloha point (reef on the left side). *if we lucky we can see the eagle ray and devil ray

Day 04 - Susi wreck dan Koloray
first diving in susi wreck, is an illegal fishing boat that was drowned by Minister Susi, at 20 - 27 depth meter. and after that we diving in wall of Koloray island, this site if we lucky we can see the devil ray. after that we lunch at Kokoya island, and last dive diving in Pasir Timbul, this site if we lucky we can see the grey reef shark and blacktip shark.

Day 05 - Shark and uw Volacano
09.00 am first diving in shark point, and after that we going to Pasir Timbul for surface interval and change equipment. than we going to Galela for uw Volcano - need 1.30 hours by boat. 12.00 pm diving in uw volcano, this volcano not like buble but like thermocline (see the video). after that we lunch on beach. and after that we back to Morotai - hotel - dinner - rest.

Day 06 - tour in Morotai
after breakfast in hotel, today we are visit in the historical museum by Muhlis Eso, see tha tank, and after that move to the east side visit to Nuhunuhu beach, and Gurango beach, about 2,30 hours by car. after that back to hotel.

Day 07 - sayonara
until 11.30 we pickup you in hotel to the Airport of Morotai for check in, and this is the end of your trip with us. see you again, in another trip. we hope you enjoy...

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