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2025 Dive Package Trip Ternate and Morotai (4-6 pax)

Start from IDR. 1.850.000 per person in one day 3 dive log Include : boat dive, local lunch, refreshment, air tank & weight, fee dive guide, photo/video with gopro8. Exclude : own equipment, personal expense, tipp. Dive in Ternate was offer the schooling a lot of fish at Jikomalamo point, also the great wall of Tomajiko point also many critters such as pygmy seahorse/pantohi , nudibranch, and walking shark (the endemic species of shark here). the highlight Dive in Morotai are the wreck of world war2   at Wawama point, dive with shark (blacktip reef shark) also cave dive near from Dodola island

5 Best Dive spot in Ternate island

Ternate island was amazing lately diving spot. this is some of our experience diving more than 10 years around here :

1. Janga-janga point
is lie of atol near from Hiri island on top 16 meters to 30 meters this site offers all school of baracuda, giant travely and more... for diving here must advanced diver because current also need experience..

2. Tomajiko point
located in north of Hiri island, this is the wall and more fish such as Tuna, also manta ray and shark sometime we find her. all divers can dive here...

3. Black rock
located in east of Hiri island this is stone larva and tiny island. the highlisght are barracuda, shark and snapper schooling also bumphead parrot fish and napoleon. 

4. Floridas wall
this site located in south of Ternate island, the wall is like pinnacle on top 14 meters and bottom until 40 meters. more snappers and also critters was find here. 

5. Jikomalamo
easy diving for beginers was start here, you can dive all years here with local guide. this site offers bus wreck also artificial reef made from Yayasan Terumbu Rupa, some time the schooling of Selaroides leptolepis also turtle and critters like tiny pygmy seahorse was here..

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