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2025 Dive Package Trip Ternate and Morotai (4-6 pax)

Start from IDR. 1.850.000 per person in one day 3 dive log Include : boat dive, local lunch, refreshment, air tank & weight, fee dive guide, photo/video with gopro8. Exclude : own equipment, personal expense, tipp. Dive in Ternate was offer the schooling a lot of fish at Jikomalamo point, also the great wall of Tomajiko point also many critters such as pygmy seahorse/pantohi , nudibranch, and walking shark (the endemic species of shark here). the highlight Dive in Morotai are the wreck of world war2   at Wawama point, dive with shark (blacktip reef shark) also cave dive near from Dodola island

Dive Guide to Ternate

Ternate also known as "the island of spice" by Europe (Dutch, Portugal, Spain) in 1322.
located in central of Coral Reef Triangle - the center of world biodiversity. A.R Wallace once lived here, in his scientific expedition known as "Letter from Ternate". Besides, Ternate is a volcanic island (ring of fire) with Mount Gamalama which is still active until now.

What is interesting diving in Ternate?
You can dive without the need to spend countless hours to cross the sea with a ship that will take you to a diving spot. Save time, right?. - You can enjoy the underwater scenery is enchanting and diverse in shallow water that is safe, clean and not polluted. - You can feel the ease to do the night dive is fun and full of adventure interspersed with nighttime views of Ternate city. - Who knows you're lucky, you can find ancient relics stored in the depths of the results of a long historical traces of Ternate as areas of trade and colonization.
Condition and Visibility
Visibility at Ternate island depends on weather conditions. usually have a visibility of 20 – 40 meters and depens to between 10 – 25 meters. Water temperature varies very little and you can expect temperatures of 28 – 30 degrees Celsius the whole year through! 

Climate and Seasion
Ternate island is Tropical, hot and hurried. we can diving in Ternate the whole year. 
dry seasion : April - May, July - August, September, November  
wet seasion : Juni, October, December - March

Dive spot
The beach/shore directly in front of the city is a great place for diving and snorkeling too such as : Taman Nukila, Pantai Falajawa, Toboko, Doro Cina and Dodoku jetty.

1. Taman Nukila
this site we called city dive site because located in the center of town. easy dive site with highlights : wreck and bus wreck | visibility :  best in the morning or high tide | entry : shore or beach entry | topography : slope and flat | max depth : 25 meter | current : slowly to strong

2. Toboko
this site located in the mark of Ternate. easy dive site with highlights : macro or critters | visibility : best in the afternoon or low tide | entry : shore or beach entry | topography : flat and slope | max depth : 20 meter | current : medium to strong

3. Dodoku jetty

4. Falajawa

5. Floridas wall

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